Mandala drawing

Mandala drawing with Ilona is easy, enjoyable, and inspiring. It's a relaxing activity that helps you center yourself and be present in the moment. During this workshop, you'll take a deep breath, give yourself some well-deserved time, and discover your own creative potential. You'll create a beautiful mandala to take home, a reminder of the important things we'll discuss together. And the best part? No prior drawing skills are needed!
Ilona Butlienė, creative drawing guide.
July 5 17:45 - In the art space
Standing/lying on nails

This practice will allow you to get to know yourself in physically uncomfortable circumstances. Standing on nails is a personal journey and a great way to feel yourself, your body, and discover new inner strengths. Every journey is unique, each one real, showing or surprising you with something. We invite you to try it and experience yourself in a "different way."
Ernesta Nemanienė - founder of VšĮ Valandėlė sau
Liepos 5 d. 18:00 - Judesio erdvėje
Dancing dresses

To the festival in a dress? Yes! Laura invites you to dance under the open sky. Dress code: dresses.
Laura Gaučytė is the founder of the "Laumių šokiai" self-development space, who has been conducting NIA (neuromuscular integrative action) integrated dance movement therapy classes for 7 years.
Liepos 5 d. 22:00, Prie laužo
Getting back into your body with yoga

Yoga is a time-tested and proven way to return to oneself, to learn to find support within oneself. I invite you to spread out your mats and embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-awareness, and focus through breathing, asanas, and relaxation. And you certainly don't need any special preparation or super flexibility. All you need is a willingness not to judge or compare yourself to others and a willingness to notice yourself, your sensations, the games of your mind, and an openness to accept this.
Lina Bylienė, certified Yoga Alliance RYT200 yoga teacher
Liepos 6 ir 7 d. 8:00 - Judesio erdvėje
How does nature strengthen a woman?

We all have a multitude of different gifts from nature. Some bloom easily and are visible to others, while others we discover only by deeply exploring our inner selves. Some require favorable conditions to be discovered, while others we may know little about or even think we don't have. There are many ways we can touch the knowledge of our natural gifts: to explore our relationship with nature, to let nature be a mirror in which we can see our true selves.
Giedrė Žalytė, psychologist-psychotherapist, nature therapy guide, author of the book "Nature therapy".
The author of the photo is Kristina Kanišauskaitė-Šaltmerė.
Liepos 6 d. 10:00 - Edukacijų erdvėje
Sand mosaic

Dive into the world of colored sand and express yourself. From this workshop, you'll take home your own hand-scattered "paintings" to decorate your house or give to a friend.
Rūta Sukackienė, designer and author of the creative sand sets "Sand Mosaic".
Liepos 6d. 10:00 - Menų erdvėje
Henna Tattoo

Henninė Lavsodija – this plant's dried and crushed leaves create powder for beautiful designs. Completely natural and safe. Henna temporary tattoos – a magical process where beauty unfolds gradually. The temporary tattoo lasts up to two weeks on your skin. During the festival, we invite you to indulge in the gentle and calming touch of henna on your skin.
Edita Jankevičienė, Henna Tattoo meistrė
Liepos 6 d. 10:00 (vyks visą dieną), susitinkame prie info centro
Need realization session "Lead the heart, rule the mind"

Learn about the effective stages of goal/need realization based on the teachings of renowned leadership and management expert Stephen R. Covey. Experience Goldė's unique workshop "Queens of Pines," which combines purposeful movement, music, and painting. During the workshop: Visual clarity: What does it mean to live with your head held high? Feel the power of art, music, and DIRECTED body movement to amplify your need realization. Decide on concrete ACTIONS to realize your needs. A mat is recommended.
Auksė Varanavičienė is a certified mindfulness teacher, conscious exercise instructor, breathing therapy specialist, physiotherapist, WHM practitioner, member of the Lithuanian Mindfulness-Based Psychology Association.
Liepos 6 d. 10:00 – Judesio erdvėje
How do I see myself? How do others see me?

Did you know that other people see you completely differently than you see yourself? In this portrait drawing session, you will expand your perspective on yourself and see how people view the world based on their own experiences. When we talk about ourselves, we reveal our values, and when we talk about other people, we pay attention to the details and values that we ourselves desire to have. In this drawing session, you will gain a softer perspective on yourself and open yourself up to another person's different way of seeing the world. Only three women's portraits can be drawn in this session, and each portrait takes 30 minutes to draw.
At the end of the session, there will be a discussion-discussion with self-development mentor Auksa Varanavičienes and high school student Fausta Jusaityta of the design course.
Liepos 6 d. 10:00 susitinkame prie info centro.
Infertility as a process and a woman's emotional journey in it

In the face of infertility, which affects 15% of couples globally and one in six families in Lithuania, couples often retreat inwards, isolating themselves and grappling with a deep loneliness. While overcoming infertility often focuses heavily on medical tests and procedures, the psychological aspects frequently receive less attention. This seminar/discussion explores the emotional and psychological impact on family relationships during infertility, offering strategies for self-support and mutual support as couples navigate these life challenges.
Olivija Aravičienė, gestalt psychotherapist, graduated in reproductive psychotherapy specialization.
Liepos 6 d. 11:30 - Edukacijų erdvėje
Imagination practices

This is a theater workshop – a "toolbox" of methods, games, and their various forms designed to awaken creative potential, expand comfort zones, and ignite imagination. We'll delve into the importance of associative thinking, explore imagination clichés, and hone your flair for high-quality and interesting ideas.
Kristina Vainiutė - theater educator, director, event organizer.
Liepos 6 d. 11:30, menų erdvėje
Connection with the body - connection with yourself!

This is an experiential workshop – a journey to reconnect with yourself. Our bodies hold a multitude of unexpressed emotions, tensions, and blocks that hinder the flow of vital energy, spontaneity, and the free expression of our authentic selves. Through the power of music, visualizations, and dance-movement therapy techniques, we will strengthen our connection with ourselves.
Inga Dirsytė - psychologist, body-movement therapist.
Liepos 6 d. 11:30, judesio erdvėje
Experience hike

In this activity we will explore the environment using our imagination and senses. We will move slowly for part of the session, and sometimes we will stop and sit in a circle to share experiences. As there will be little active movement, it is important to dress appropriately for the weather conditions during this activity, so that we feel comfortable and warm. The activity will take place in any weather.
Giedrė Žalytė, psychologist-psychotherapist, nature therapy guide, author of the book "Nature therapy".
The author of the photo is Kristina Kanišauskaitė-Šaltmerė.
Liepos 6 d. 11:30 susitinkame prie info centro
Anchors from my past in today's relationship?

Each of us is looking for a special relationship to find love and harmony in our lives. We search, we have expectations, we find, we are disappointed, we lose, and then we believe the scary tales of unrequited love and toxic relationships. But relationships really aren't about pain, abandonment, heartbreak, or misery. They are about love, partnership, understanding, acceptance and the courage to live life creating in community. A happy relationship cannot be won, bought, won in the lottery, it is MADE by being in and out of your place, standing firmly on the ground, following the paths of your soul, and knowing the spells and spells of the language of relationships. This is not a lecture, not a training, it is a journey through living experiences, seeing in us the living stories and habits of family destinies, mastering the resource of our feelings, emotions and states, creating a new story of our own happy relationship. If you feel you want to be here, come. I'll wait for you there.
Ala Tamulienė is a direct student of Bert and Sophie Hellinger, a long-time practitioner of spiritual constellations, a certified constellation leader.
Liepos 6 d. 15:00 - edukacijų erdvėje
The creative energy of sexuality

Dailės terapijos praktikumas, kviečiantis prisiliesti, pažinti ir pajusti savo seksualumą bei santykį su partneriu. Daugeliui žmonių kalbėtis apie savo jausmus, lytinį potraukį, išgyvenimus yra nejauku-nesaugu. Visa tai išreikšti žodžiais yra sunku. Tad į pagalbą mums ateina vaizdiniai, simboliai ar tiesiog spalva – visa tai gali papasakoti istoriją apie mūsų vidinį gyvenimą, kuris yra nepasiekiamas žodžiams. Ši dailės terapija kviečia atvirai praleisti laiką su savo jausmais ir patyrimais. Nebėgant, nesislepiant ir intymiai.
Curated by Olivija Aravičienė, an art therapist who graduated from LSMU and Academy of Fine Arts joint studies in art therapy.
Liepos 6 d. 15:00 - menų erdvėje
Stress - what is this beast and how to make friends with it?

During the workshop, we will explore the concept of stress, its benefits and harms to our physical and emotional health. Utilizing elements of psychodrama, we will have the opportunity to encounter our stress, try to release it, and have the chance to say what we might not have dared to before. We will explore stress by working individually and in groups. After the workshop, participants will leave having befriended their stress, seeing it as an ally rather than an enemy in the future.
Gustė Gramaglia, psychologist, psychodrama assistant, doctoral student.
Liepos 6 d. 15:00 judesio erdvėje
What if I succeed?

During the workshop we will explore our beliefs and fears, their influence and consequences that prevent us from creating the life we want. "What if I succeed?" - one of the often forgotten, rarely mentioned fears. In this workshop we will examine the unique world of beliefs and fears.
Remigija Mikolaitienė and Rita Mackonienė
Liepos 6 d. 15:00 susitinkame prie info centro
Macrame workshop

Macrame is a textile made using knotting techniques. The basic macrame knots are the square knot (a variant of the reef knot) and forms of "hitching": various combinations of half hitches. Macrame weaving is very calming, it is like meditation, it calms the mind, and the feeling of the moment here and now intensifies. We want to share this magical state with others, tell our experiences and pass on knowledge.
Sandra Rutkauskaitė, macrame workshop guide.
Liepos 6 d. 16:30 - menų erdvėje
Sound therapy

The vibration of the gong's sound acts on the body at the cellular level, helping the cell to remember its original healthy state, and the body begins to heal. The sounds of the gong draw out accumulated heavy emotions that hinder the circulation of vital energy. Immersed in the world of gong sounds, your consciousness expands, bringing insights, answers and solutions.
The audio session is led by Aurelija Urmila Antanavičienė and Aurelija Bagdonavičienė from the Aura Mira self-development space.
Liepos 6 d. 17:00, judesio erdvėje
"The Revival of Polyphonic Folk Songs"

The voice experiential evening "Revival of Contracts" is about people's natural ability to sing and experience a deep connection with the music that came from the roots of our nation. In order for a person to sound without fear of not intoning, it is important to warm up, explore, harmonize the voice. And when we discover the connection with our voice, the intensity for singing and making music clears up, we let go of the inner critic and enjoy the music - we allow ourselves to be!
Ekaterina Fiodorova, Agniete Ivanauskaite, performers
Liepos 6 d. 20:00 - prie laužo
Ecstatic dances

Ecstatic dance (English: ecstatic dance) is a wonderful therapeutic and meditative movement practice. Such dance helps release tension, accumulated stress, fatigue, stagnant emotions, and deeply relaxes. Thanks to specially selected music and conscious guidance, ecstatic dance is not just an ordinary party, but a very unique and authentic experience for each person and an inner journey in movement. When we dance, all pleasure hormones are released in our bodies: serotonin (good mood), endorphin (relaxation), dopamine (happiness), oxytocin (love). Ecstatic dance is an opportunity to forget everyday worries, connect with like-minded people and together create a unique celebration where every movement is a gift to yourself and the world.
Agnė Doveikaitė is a certified DFB (differentiated functional states) methodology instructor, works at the training center "SoulACTION", founder of the "Ecstatic Dances" project.
Liepos 6 d. 22:00 - prie laužo
Science in Leadership: Taking Small Steps Towards Your Goals

Barbora Lekešytė will share insights on how our mental, emotional, and physical health influence successful goal achievement, along with strategies to maintain balance and cultivate positive habits.
Barbora Lekešytė - j. researcher in the fields of renewable medicine and bioelectrochemistry.
Liepos 7 d. 10:00 - edukacijų erdvėje
Creative fragrance workshop

The art of perfumery may seem like a simple act of mixing fragrances. But it is far more than that! Perfumery is a synthesis of science and art, combining natural sciences, intuition, and creativity. Through this experience, you will learn about the origins of perfume and the basic principles of its creation.
Rimantė Balsiūnaitė, perfumer, studied fragrance creation and science in Belgium, England and India.
Liepos 7 d. 10:00 menų erdvėje
Visual meditation in motion

If you are ready to consciously listen to your inner voice, we invite you on an inner journey to meet your "inner wise one" - the wise part inside you that already knows the answers and can show you the way. During the session you will have the opportunity to rest your mind and deeply feel your body and listen to your feelings, feel the connection with your intuition. The guided visualization meditation will be accompanied by music; we recommend having a blindfold or scarf, and a yoga mat, blanket or plaid to spread under yourself.
Vējūnė Ivanauskaitė, clinical psychologist, experiential self-development guide
Liepos 7 d. 10:00- judesio erdvėje
The magic of voice and word effects

The voice is what accompanies you your whole life. It's a strong tool for communication. The spoken word is your calling card, learning to read texts with intonation is your skill. With voice and words we transmit information and also about ourselves: Who am I? How do I present myself? Who do I want to be? How am I heard? By speaking I answer deep existential questions. We communicate every day with everyone. Every speaking situation is public speaking. Intonation, the magic of word impact, pauses while speaking and listening help to experience pleasure.
Vita Staniulytė - German language guide, translator, host of awareness events, speaker of audio books.
Liepos 7 d. 12:30 - edukacijų erdvėje
Program for children

• We will put our dreams together and blow big soap bubbles. • Weaving colored braids according to mood. • Sports games and activities. • Creative workshop corner. • "Sand workshop" with Rūta Sukackiene
Festival volunteers
On all days of the festival, your children will be occupied by our playful and smiling volunteers who will invite children to various activities:
Moterų asmeninio tobulėjimo festivalis Women Tribes Fest pristato programą. Liepos 5-7 dienomis Trakų Pusiasalyje pirmąjį kartą vyksiantis festivalis kviečia moteris tobulėti ir su lengvumu judėti geriausios savo versijos link.
Įvairiapusė Women Tribes festivalio programa vilioja diskusijų ir paskaitų programa, menų dirbtuvėmis, kūrybiškumo sesijomis bei muzikos potyriais. Nepamirštos ir mūsų mažiausios dalyvės, kurias kūrybiškomis veiklomis užims mūsų savanorės viso festivalio metu.